Happy to introduce, Captain Jason Moore, who is going to help us cover the Mid Atlantic States Flats and Fly Fishing scene, as well as his Worldwide travels to exotic places to pick a fight with Tarpon like Nicaragua 😎

As well as Argentina and The Bahamas for other speed demons like Bonefish and Cuda on Fly!

Brother Jason is a full-time guide based out of Brigantine, New Jersey I did not realize (even though I was stationed and fished in that area many moons ago myself) just how much of an excellent Flats Fishing destination it is for Stripers, Blues, and even Cobia at times while he is guiding the flats, tidal creeks, and near-shore ocean around Brigantine Island New Jersey. This is along the inlets bordering the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge and the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve.

These protected areas comprise around 150,000 acres (235 sq mi) of tidal wetlands, sandy flats, barrier islands, shallow bays, and coastal ocean, creating an incredibly unique fishery little known (at least till now) by many who might first think that part of the country is all just over-developed NJ coastline!

And he not only guides in New Jersey! The Island Fly Team also conducts hosted trips to various awesome destinations! You can choose Tarpon in Florida, Redfish in Louisiana, and Rainbow / Brown Trout in Colorado, Montana, or Alaska. Or even other awesome-sounding trips like chasing after Golden Dorado in Argentina, Bonefish in the Bahamas, or (which sounds cool) a Nicaraguan Jungle Expedition! The Island Fly team has almost three decades of travel experience and works with industry-leading partners with access to the world’s best fisheries and lodges.
Jason guides out of a Custom Uforia Panga 22 Skiff (Great Choice) that allows for around six inches of static draft even loaded. Thus, he can navigate and fish in those waters with their constantly shifting sand bars in areas most others cannot reach! And all while sporting some wild lids (hats), if I say so myself! I got to get me one of those below... 😁

I remember those waters, and they can get nasty at times, and while even in the height of summer, they still have a chill (for us Floridians) to them!
So, clients will appreciate his Panga style Skiff design that though drafts skinny, still has enough bow to knife through and knock down much of what the Atlantic can throw at you while running those passes and inlets and stay dry. Even in some of those confused sea states and heavy chop that would make your typical Florida style Flats Skiff ride akin to taking a Long Cold Shower at times in those same waters 😉
So, in closing looking forward to working with Captain Jason and getting his feedback on the Conservation efforts he is working on with the American Saltwater Guides Association along with the Gear and Tactics he employs to stalk the fish in his ecosystem both in NJ and Abroad!

And many times with his bride Ashley who from the pictures I have seen, sure looks like she could outcast and outfish most of us for sure! 😊
As a matter of fact the more I hear and research, the more I think we should have a Podcast with the family expert first (Miss Ashley) and then with everything she has taught Jason! 😃
You can also reach Captain Jason at Island Fly for a trip on his website by clicking here or call/text him at 970-471-5803 and let him know you found out about him here on Flats Nation Welcome Aboard, Captain Jason! We are looking forward to your tips and podcast for all of our (now) Worldwide Community!
In the meantime,
We invite you to take in a few Flats Nation Podcast Episodes to help "Scratch that Fishing Itch" when working or traveling and you cannot hitch up the Skiff and go, on these links:
Our main podcast page works great for your mobile device since it will stream right on your phone/tablet. It can be found by clicking Here
Or our new Media section that we created with our latest website release, where you can hear all of our Podcasts, Sound Bites, and Flats Nation Updates all in one listing found by clicking Here:
Also, The "Flats Nation" Merch and Swag collection has some new works now and can be found by clicking Here to land some for yourself and family/friends who enjoy their time here on Flats Nation. 😎
Tight Lines, and God Bless
Dave and the Team