This one must have gotten lost on the server or did not pull across when Flats Nation was launched months ago. We can't forget about our friend Captain (Brother) Travis Sands, The Flats Phantom, whom I call the Permit Guru of the Bahamas! 😎
And for those unfamiliar with Captain Sands, here is a show featuring The Flats Phantom, which should provide insight and give you a smile and a few laughs along the way!
As you will hear in our show with Brother Travis, which was awesome (code word for educational) he and I had too much fun cracking up while recording it!
But really, it is a great primer on Flats Fishing in the Bahamas as well as where he is now guiding which is out of the Soul Fly Lodge on this remote spit of sand on The Berry Islands as you will also hear in detail since Hurricane Dorian.
So remote (part of its appeal) that I was concerned that we were not going to have enough internet bandwidth to record... But, since it was audio only, most of the network slowdowns and audio drops were short and I was able to in most cases, edit or clean it up enough to have a simply great show with him!
We have been chatting and working on recording the next show where we are going to pull a deep dive (much pun) on another species of shallow water Flats Fish that he tells me he is seeing daily! Yes, going to have a follow-on episode just on chasing Permit from "Bow to Stern" as we said back in the Military. 😎👍

So, without any further waiting, enjoy listening to our chat with Brother Travis which is episode #5 on our main podcast page It works great for your mobile device since they will stream, or you can download it for offline listening right on your phone/tablet can be found by clicking Here
Or you can listen to it now on our newer Flats Nation YouTube Channel and stream it below...
And do share them with family and friends if you find them Entertaining and Educational! We have some great guests in the works and planning stages on a wide range of topics and product coverage soon.
You can also reach/track Travis, who is always posting cool stuff on his Instagram page, directly by clicking Here.
Get ready for your amazing fishing trip with him! As we discussed, we've (hopefully) given you a hand with trip prep and gear needs before you head out, just like I need to do soon. Click to get started! Here 😁
Looking forward to visiting myself and if nothing else, I will grab some more audio and written article content with him at the lodge, which should be just off the chain! 😎 Oh, the excellent book we sent over (for his fly tier), and you can click on the picture below to read more about it and order a copy!
After your epic hangout with him, don't be shocked if he tags along home with you, even if it's just in your dreams! 😁
And don't head over for a visit without landing some Flats Nation Lodge Wear for when you are done fishing and just relaxing at the end of the day and Rep The Nation simultaneously! You can score on some cool Flats Nation Bahamas Flag Merch and Swag by clicking Here (or on the picture below), and sure, Brother Travis would get a smile seeing you wearing it!
I hope you enjoy our show with Travis, and we are looking forward to the next one!

In the meantime,
We invite you to take in a few Flats Nation Podcast Episodes to help "Scratch that Fishing Itch" when working or traveling and you cannot hitch up the Skiff and go, on these links:
Love what we’re doing? Show your support by liking and sharing Flats Nation with your family and friends! 😎
Tight Lines & Many Blessings,
Dave and the Team @ Flats Nation