I am happy to introduce our Guru and Founding Team Member here on Flats Nation.
Dr. Christian Marrero, better known in the Instagram World as the "The Miami Fly Guy," is just one heck of a Bug Slinger and an even better Fly Tyer!

Brother Christian has been most helpful to me here, fielding questions, hearing some crazy ideas, and jumping "Like a Bone on one of his flies!" when we asked him to become assimilated (Resistance is Futile) and a member of the Flats Nation Team, and share his knowledge and artistry on the vise with us 😊

And (which shocked me) he is planning his wedding to his lovely fiance' Jessica, so we need to squeeze as much content and production from Christian before he really becomes assimilated and can't even take a call, much less go fishing! 😉
God Bless them both! I am sure his fishing days and calls from me are still safe and suspect... His product output will need to increase even more! So, everybody, send in your orders soon to help offset the costs of not only the wedding! But also, all the new gear he is going to pick up for his New Bride 😊
The concept and plans we are working on with Christian which I feel will be just awesome and bring tremendous value to our quickly growing community here on Flats Nation thus far:
Christian is starting his article series where he will highlight his work, how to create them, and (when possible) how to best present them for the intended targets! Brother Christian has already started on his first article in the series, and it looks fantastic! He and I need to pull some R&D (Fishing) with some soon!
For those who do not have the gear or the time (guilty as charged) to create your own or needed variants of them. We are building an online ordering and catalog system so you can order X amount in the colors of your choice and need to match the appearance of your local forage species. Naturally, the bottom color in your preferred or planned fishing destinations may have color scheme implications.
So, when placing orders with Christian, which is now on his Instagram page found by clicking Here, Do let him know where you plan to use them and the bottom type you will cover if known.

And then lastly (for now), Christian and I will spool up some Podcasts to cover this topic in-depth. We are already working on a plan for those shows best so they are targeted for your needs/species you want to fight with! 😊
So, again, Dr. Christian, Welcome Aboard, Brother! We are tickled to death that you wanted to share your knowledge and talent with us here on Flats Nation as our Fly Fishing Manager!
In the meantime,
We invite you to take in a few Flats Nation Podcast Episodes to help "Scratch that Fishing Itch" when working or traveling and you cannot hitch up the Skiff and go, on these links:
Also, The "Flats Nation" Merch and Swag collection has some new works now and can be found by clicking Here to land some for yourself and your family/friends who enjoy their time here on Flats Nation. 😎
Love what we’re doing? Show your support by liking and sharing Flats Nation with your family and friends! 😎
Tight Lines, and God Bless!
Dave and the Team