We want to Welcome Aboard Flats Nation and are excited to have you join us, Dr. Ashley Dentler, from the wilds of South New Jersey! She will help us cover the Atlantic States Flats Fly Fishing scene, and her Worldwide travels to exotic places to pick a fight with Tarpon and other species in places like Nicaragua, Bahamas, and Mexico; she just got back from recently! 😁

And help us cover the sport and the needs of Sportswomen Anglers in our community who are currently involved or would like to take up the sport while simultaneously tearing down some preconceived ideas and myths!

Fishing has traditionally been an all-boys club. But more women are challenging this and carving out their own space on the Skiff, and many times, as I have found, it is their Skiff! This is a good thing, and they will not overlook the conservation efforts needed to grow and help protect the sport and those resources/ecosystems with as much enthusiasm (if not more) as many of the guys do!
We applaud such, and some of the guys in the past have told me confidently, "Brother, I go fishing to get away from my Wife, Girlfriend, etc., why are you trying to get them on my Boat? To which I usually say... "Well, Brother, either she can outcast or outfish you (usually both), or it sounds like you hooked into the wrong one. Maybe you might want to consider setting that one free!" 😉
I know one thing: Some of my best and most enjoyable fishing trips have been with women of all ages, and they were some of my (personal) best students! They have not been side-chucking a live shrimp for decades or holding the spinning reel upside down reeling backward (you know what I mean) and now can outcast that same swimbait by yards over their guy! 😁
Doctor Ashley is no exception to this trend in Sportswomen taking a lead role in many aspects of our sport and those associated with conservation efforts! Not only can she (like many can) outcast and outfish us guys, as attested to by her husband, Captain Jason Moore, but you can read and hear more about such by clicking Here.

I am thrilled she wanted to join us on Flats Nation to share her knowledge and wisdom! She is highly educated, has her Doctorate in Physical Therapy (DPT), and is an awesome educator in her own right. She will add greatly to Flats Nation in the process; I am thoroughly convinced! 😎

So, what do we have planned, you ask...?
She already has a program on Island Fly called "Hey Ladies," which specializes in cultivating an environment where women can feel comfortable with the learning process from A and Bow to Stern.
She advised me, "Dave, we can help the lady angler go from the basics to perfecting their cast, tying knots, choosing flies, or even gearing up for your next trip." Which we feel is just awesome and needed in our Sport and its related Lifestyle! You can find out more about that program by clicking Here.
We are going to cover that program as well as others on a Podcast (soon), which should encompass more than one episode as we pull a deep dive into that topic, as well as the hosted trips that she takes all around the Flats Fishing and other waters of the World, picking fights with all kinds of tackle busting beasts with her clients!

And no, one does not have to travel to the SEC (Southeastern Conference) to learn and target fish on "The Flats" with her as her center of operations for much of the year is in and around her home port of operations in Brigantine, New Jersey! Thus, many, up and down the I95 corridor from the Mid-Atlantic to the New England States, have quick access to fish and learn from her that many may not have at first even realized! I'm pretty sure she can shave off many years of learning the hard way with some hours spent with her!
This and other content here on Flats Nation we are looking forward to her and others sharing with you as she helps to guide all of us and not just the ladies!
I look forward to having her work with my Bride on her skills while Brother Jason and I (slip away) and go fishing so we do not get shown up by the Girls! 😉
If you would like to reach out to Ashley to improve your skills or start a new fishing adventure, it is simple!
In the meantime,
We invite you to take in a few Flats Nation Podcast Episodes to help "Scratch that Fishing Itch" when working or traveling and you cannot hitch up the Skiff and go, on these links:
Our main podcast page works excellent for your mobile device since it will stream on your phone/tablet. It can be found by clicking Here.
Our new Flats Nation YouTube Channel can be found by clicking Here and sharing them with family and friends if you find them Entertaining and Educational! We have some great guests in the works and planning stages on a wide range of topics and product coverage soon.
Also, The "Flats Nation" Merch and Swag collection has some new works that can be found Here.
Tight Lines, and God Bless!
Dave and the Team