In this episode, Robbie Hunziker of Shore-Up Trolling Motor Mounts is featured. It's an excellent product, and we discuss how it can help you save on one of your boat's most expensive accessories: the Trolling Motor!

If you recall, we discussed the advanced features and benefits of the Shore Up Mount in a past article. For those who have not had a chance to review that one yet, you can find out more about it by clicking Here.
As denoted in the article and the podcast, we covered this product quite in-depth; we are huge fans of the adjustable flip-up support bar for the shaft and, possibly more, the expensive head unit components. If you have ever had a head unit component fail like a compass card, as I have in the past, you will appreciate this shaft stabilizing feature!

As seen in this shot above, the extended-release pin is a brilliant design feature. If you have ever spent any time trying to grab (more like pry), free the pin so you can remove your trolling motor at the end of the day...
This or just as important, if not more so, pull the pin quickly and take advantage of one of the Shore-Up Mount's great features, and that is to slide the entire trolling motor assembly Fore and Aft (pending model) 7 plus inches to clear, or reposition it off the Bow!
As with all our Podcast Shows, there are two ways to listen to them. Our main podcast page works excellent for your mobile device since it will stream on your phone/tablet. It can be found by clicking Here.
Or on our YouTube channel and for this Episode, you can stream/listen to it below:
And, to help kick off this effort, Shore-Up has been most gracious and wanted to join in on the FlatsNation10 program and now offers our Flats Nation viewers and listeners 10% off any order by using the same discount code of FLATSNATION10 when placing your system or component order with Shore-Up! 😎
Also, our new Media section that we created with our latest website release, where you can hear all of our Podcasts, Sound Bites, and Flats Nation Updates all in one listing found by clicking Here:
And as discussed on the Flats Nation News Volume 1 not long ago...
We just launched our new lineup of Flats Nation stickers which turned out just awesome! 😎

You can see all eight Flats Fish Species we now have (more on the way) and order some of those cool combos and show (them) just how good you are or are looking to target by clicking Here 😁
The "Flats Nation" Merch and Swag collection, if you like our content, has some new works, from T-shirts to our newer Technical wear, just in time for Tarpon Season, which can be found Here:
Tight Lines, and God Bless!
Dave and the Team