For those that do not have your SIMRAD or other brand of Marine Electronics permanently mounted into your console. Here is a good SIMRAD NSS Evo3 - Carry and Storage Case idea to help transport it to the boat, this as well helps keep that expensive gear protected while not in use back either inside your Home or Motel room while traveling.
Our 12-inch SIMRAD MFD unit fits nearly perfectly inside this box with the foam already supplied by Plano. Now they include a few sheets of the pre-cut foam, but only one is employed for this use case so, you may want to hang onto the sheet for future replacement or other uses if ever needed.
And here is the model number of this box which is not expensive (around $30.00 online at the time of this posting) as compared to other carry and storage boxes found on the market for such uses. Maybe not as tough as others or has the same structural rigidity other makers offer, but hard to compare at that price point 😊
Now, if you do not have the 12-inch screen on your Skiff or Bay Boat, other sizes of this type of case can be found on the Plano Amazon website that may also work for your needs.
You can order one by clicking on any of the pictures above!
Do let Plano Molding or other supplier know you found this idea on Flats Nation when you reach out to them 😊
And our review of the SIMRAD NSS Evo3 which we feel is just the near-perfect electronics for running the Flats while helping to protect our ecosystems from further damage.
In the meantime,
We invite you to take in a few Flats Nation Podcast Episodes to help "Scratch that Fishing Itch" when working or traveling and you cannot hitch up the Skiff and go, on these links:
Our newer Flats Nation YouTube Channel can be found by clicking here. Share our videos with family and friends if you find them entertaining and educational! We have some great guests in the works on a wide range of topics and product coverage soon.
Also, The "Flats Nation" Merch and Swag collection has some new works now (just click on each Design or Picture to view that collection) and can be found by clicking Here to take you to that section to land some for yourself and family/friends that enjoy their time here on Flats Nation. 😎
Tight Lines and God Bless!
Dave and the Team