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The Angling Company - Key West, Florida

Writer's picture: Dave LeGearDave LeGear

Next time in the Lower Keys, you need to build into your travel plans some time to stop in and visit Nathaniel and the team over at The Angling Company!

The Angling Company

Located on a nice corner location in Key West on 333 Simonton St. and (unlike many or most locations in that area) usually has ample parking right beside the store!

The Angling Company

As the guys were discussing with me and as shown, though thoroughly stocked with Fly Fishing gear and tackle for any of the awesome game species in those local waters from say Sugarloaf Key to the Marquesas and beyond for Bonefish, Cuda, and Tarpon with a wide selection of Flies...

The Angling Company fly selection

Cody and Max (awesome guys and most helpful!) advised me they are known for also being a Permit Shop with special emphasis on gear and the tackle to target them.

The Angling Company fly selection

And while there have one of the guys help you with the tips and materials to make your Permit leaders like these...

They do have quite the selection of Flies though (more than many shops I have seen) with some from these better known in what I call an "Art Form" when you see just how realistic they are produced when compared to the real thing!

The Angling Company Tyer's

And for a range of species like Bonefish, Cuda, and Tarpon!

The Angling Company fly selection

And for those who make their files, they have plenty of supplies and vises to help you build your own back at home. This, or in the Hotel Room while on a trip when you see the fish striking a prey item you may not already have in your tackle bag, but can tie up easily enough 😊

The Angling Company vise

The guys are there to help when at the shop or call them for some ideas or products you could buy to help you even if you are not local. Easy enough nowadays to ship items anywhere you need them sent given enough time.

Oh, and if you are like me and having some issues securing some knots down, I thought this trick the staff posted up was most helpful!

Two other things that struck me as different and unique as compared to other Fly Shops and their Website information offerings are...

  1. The Fishing Reports are kept current unlike many we have all seen that started with good intentions, but kind of died on the vine and the last one posted was back in 200X. Matter of fact you could just find patterns of X Fish you are looking to target by Month by digging back into their vast archive of reports! You can find those by clicking Here

  2. They have a gear upgrade program (cool when you think about it) if you are looking to make some updates to your present Rods and Reels by trading them up. You can find out more about that program by clicking Here

So, stop in and enjoy the shop when nearby for it is well worth the drive! Or give them a call and you can find out more about The Angling Company by visiting the website by clicking here and let them know that the team from Flats Nation sent you! We are looking forward to working with them in the future and having them on a Podcast where we can talk Conservation, Gear, and Tactics with the team there 😊

Speaking of Podcasts, the Flats Nation YouTube Channel has some great ones that go in-depth on both Conventional and Fly Fishing tips a tactics for "The Keys" and the surrounding area! Here are a few of them to check out and hopefully you find them educational at the same time!

Also, The "Flats Nation" Merch and Swag collection has some new works now (just click on each Design or Picture to view that collection) and can be found by clicking Here or just click on our Flag below to take you to that section to land some for yourself and family/friends that enjoy their time here on Flats Nation.

Lastly, we just launched our new lineup of Flats Nation stickers which turned out just awesome!

Flats Nation Trophy Stickers

You can see all eight Flats Fish Species we now have (more on the way) and order some of those cool combos and show (them) just how good you are or looking to target by clicking Here 😁

Tight Lines and God Bless!

Flats Nation Flag


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